Here for Herefordshire
The Cracked Slipper Company took part in the Here For Herefordshire Holiday programme with Herefordshire Council. We provided 6 free to attend workshops. We extended our summer scheme and the end result will be a script written and performed by young people called “This is our Future”. This will be showcased at our end of year show. Thanks must go to HAF, Herefordshire City
Council for funding the filming and some of the workshops and also to the co op for supporting our holiday programmes.
Summer Campaign 2022
During the Summer Holidays The Cracked Slipper Company ran a campaign funded by The Herefordshire Community Foundation. The Campaign topic was chosen by the young participants aged between 10 years and 18 years. They produced a live performance and a short film campaign highlighting an issue young people felt strongly about. “Bullying”.
During the Summer 2022 The Cracked Slipper Company provided Drama workshops in partnership with Hinton Community Centre’s Fit and Fed Programme.
The Protest
Directed by Toni Cook participants of Drama 4 Change and Centre stage took part in the Ledbury Poetry Festival and created a short campaign film called The Protest.
The Show Must Go On Spring 2022
This was a project aimed at all age groups
Our community theatre group present a showcase of the trials and tribulations, highs and lows of the last couple of years.
Adults and young people detail their experiences with the pandemic and lockdowns through new writing and performance.
If you could write a letter to yourself before the lockdowns, what would you say?
Spring 2022 - Wearing The Trousers
The brilliant young performers at Drama 4 Change have been working so hard on this play.
It’s about identity, growing up, and wearing the trousers of your life.
Summer 2021
We ran a Campaign workshop with Young people choosing the topic that they wanted to Highlight. The group chose LGBTQ+ and they created a campaign with a film, live performance, and a poster.
Thanks to The Herefordshire Community Foundation.
The Knife Angel June 2021
Drama 4 Change produced an emotive piece for the arrival of the Knife Angel monument against Violence and Aggression in June 2021. The Cracked Slipper Company worked with The Knife Angel Team Hereford producing a filmed piece for the opening ceremony, providing workshops through out June and a live performance at the closing ceremony. Alison Davies lost her son Mark to knife crime in December 2018 and together with friends Meryl Cain, Pauline Strong and Jan Jefferies, they wanted to raise awareness of the catastrophic impact violent crime has on individuals, families and communities. Drama 4 Change being an issue based drama group felt that it was important for young voices to be heard and they expressed this through the creative piece written and performed by young people.
During the Lockdown in 2020
The Cracked Slipper Company ran a writing competition inspiring young writers in Herefordshire to send in their stories.
Our overall winner was Levi Townsend who has only just turned 8, for his story “Two Dragons and Two Brothers”
Levi’s passion for writing was inspired by his year 3 teacher who introduced Levi to Tom Fletcher’s “The Christmasaurus”, and since then he has been hooked. Levi’s teacher told him about The Cracked Slipper Company’s writing competition, and he told his Mum he was going to write a book during lockdown.
Levi tells us his story about two brothers Rocco and Levi and their love of Dragons. Levi absolutely loved Dragons and Shadows, whilst Rocco absolutely loved Dragons and Sunlight. A very enlightening story and apparently Levi plans on writing a sequel, Can’t wait.!
All of our winners received prizes and our overall winner Levi will have his story illustrated and made into a little book.
Thank you to Tee Blake who provided the graphic design and illustrations and turned Levi's story into a book.